Episode 46

From PayPal Mafia to Political Puppetry


Dr. Jim explores the question "Who benefits?" to uncover the influences and motivations behind political and economic strategies. He looks into how recent policy shifts impact farmers, who now face losing their farms due to rescinded subsidies. Dr. Jim links this to a broader strategy involving billionaire interests, tech elites, and international influences aiming to control resources and diminish public wealth. He emphasizes the need for 90% of the population to recognize these power dynamics and unite against them, framing the struggle as up versus down rather than left versus right.



Introduction and Key Question


Impact on Farmers Post-Election


Motives Behind Administration Decisions


Heritage Foundation Project 2025


Influence of the Tech Billionaires


Vision of a Post-Democratic Future


Housing Market Parallel and Economic Inequality

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Music Credit: Good_B_Music

Mentioned in this episode:

Left in Exile Intro

Left in Exile Intro

Dr. Jim: [:

So where am I going with this? One of the things that's been in the news recently is how all of these farmers who voted for Trump are now at risk of losing their farms because the Trump administration rescinded a number of grants and subsidies that the Inflation Reduction Act had put into place. And if you know anything about farming, typically Farmers have to plan ahead and make their purchases and investments accordingly in the expectations that their crop is going to be brought to market and they will recoup their investments on the back end.

A number of farmers [:

In order to answer that question, you need to understand that he is not running for re election anymore.

He is running for eternal rule and the divine right of kings, and there are probably plans in place to create a succession. Trajectory that he can just anoint the next leader when he's tired of being in the seat.

Heritage Foundation, Project:

So when you take that into account, he doesn't have to be beholden to anybody because he can operate with impunity and without fear of retribution.


in those tech bro circles,

Curtis Yarvin is the author of the dark enlightenment and this movement essentially puts forward the idea that because the tech bro oligarchy It has attained a level of status and power within society. It is time for them to put down roots that prepare the world for a post democratic future.

ites and everybody else is a [:

Where the rest of us, all of us working stiffs are just cannon fodder for their factories and their initiatives while they work on trying to get off planet and go to the moon or whatever it is that they want to do.

So how does that tie in with what's going on with farms? I think one of the things that you have to think about when you consider this is that it follows the same pattern that you saw in residential housing.

What was happening over the last eight years or so? You saw private equity companies and large scale investors gobble up all sorts of single family homes and drive the prices up Because their vision is to create a society where the average person has no capital owns nothing So at the same time that they're gobbling up single family homes They're also driving up prices of rents to make things less and less affordable

u think about what you could [:

You have 70 percent of the population that is living paycheck to paycheck, where compared to the 80s The 1980s, if somebody was making 28, 000 a year, they were in the top 10 percent of income earners at that time. And when you put that into today's dollars, to have that same standard of living, a family of four needs to have at least 170, 000 per year that they're making to maintain that same lifestyle that they had at 28, 000 in the 80s.

ber of people who are living [:

And that's why you also see why there is the biggest disparity of wealth between the top 1 percent and the 90%. Over that time frame, I've talked about the 50 trillion transfer of wealth that's happened. This is another way that's taken shape. So when you look at all of that and tie it to farms, farmers have a ton of capital.

And one of the other things that billionaires want to control in order to exert as much influence on society as possible and bring forward the utopia in their mind that the Dark Enlightenment offers is to control the food supply. We already know that corporate farms account for a massive segment of the agricultural sector.

here. This is by design, and [:

And this is one of the ways that Trump is paying them back for keeping him out of prison. Remember, the only reason Trump ran was to stay out of prison. And now that he's in the seat, he's got to pay back the investments that have been made to the billionaires that control him, to the Heritage Foundation that controls him, and to Russia and China that controls him.

So when you look at all of those control pieces exerting pressure on Trump, every single policy can be traced back to benefiting one or more of those groups. That's the game that's being played today.

Understanding the game that's being played and who the players are and who benefits is really important for us so that we can recognize who is playing who against who.

ween left and right. And I'm [:

They are going to go to their graves licking boots for their orange gods. And everybody else needs to start looking at the billionaires and the foreign interests that have everything to gain by bringing the U. S. down and by working through the Trump administration to enrich themselves. The sooner we unite against that common cause, the better off we're going to be.

It's not left versus right. it's up versus down. And all of us.

And everyone watching this and everyone on these apps, we're part of that 90 percent that needs to unite and strike back

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Left In Exile
Resistance in the Age of Oligarchs

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Dr. Jim Kanichirayil

Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and sometime co-host for Building Elite Sales Teams. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.

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