Episode 38

How Trump's Policies Are Uprooting America's Family Farms


Amidst growing concerns among small family farmers, discover how changes under the Trump administration threaten their livelihoods. Examine the impacts of rescinding the Inflation Reduction Act, focusing on unfulfilled contracts and investments at risk. The conversation delves into the economic turbulence farmers face, including echoes of past trade war repercussions and agricultural bailouts. Explore the reluctance within MAGA circles to attribute these challenges to Trump's policies. Featuring insights from creators highlighting the urgent plight of farmers, this episode unveils the dramatic consequences of political decisions on American agriculture.



Family Farms at Risk Due to Inflation Reduction Act Freeze


Farmers Face Uncertainty Due to Inflation Reduction Act Changes


Farmers Face Consequences of Supporting Trump's Trade Policies

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Music Credit: Good_B_Music

Mentioned in this episode:

Left in Exile Intro

Left in Exile Intro

Dr. Jim: [:

coming? Coming?

Skyler Holden: I need your help to save my farm and many other farms. We are possibly going to lose our farm if NRCS doesn't hold up their contract with us . So the reason that they're not able to hold up the contract is, is our EQIP program, which is cost sharing on fences, waters, a well, and some seedings was funded by the Inflation Reduction Act.

Because of the executive orders, there's a pause or a freeze on the funding through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Dr. Jim: So that creator, and there are many others, is a farmer. And many of the people who run small family farms are starting to find out that with the Trump administration taking over, those family farms are at risk of going under.

to enter into contract based [:

So these farmers were expecting those contracts to be upheld coming out of the Inflation Reduction Act, and they made investments in their farms as a result. And those investments not only include equipment, but they include seed and infrastructure and all sorts of different things like that. Now you have to pay that money up front to get access to those materials, but you're banking on those up front expenses to be taken care of on the back end when the government grants come through.

war and these farmers Again, [:

Here's what's interesting. That particular creator never once directly pointed at the Trump administration's actions as part of the reason why his farm might go under. This failure to admit a fundamental truth is a problem that exists within MAGA circles. So now all of these people are finding out that they're at risk of losing their entire livelihoods because they made a bad decision and they're still afraid to admit that Trump is the reason why their farms are going under.

Until and unless all of these Trump voters admit that their vote for Trump was mistaken and they are leading the charge in opposition to Trump's policies, don't expect any sympathy from the rest of us.

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Left In Exile
Resistance in the Age of Oligarchs

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Dr. Jim Kanichirayil

Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and sometime co-host for Building Elite Sales Teams. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.

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