Episode 51
American Kompromat: Exploring Alleged Ties Between Trump and the Kremlin
Dr. Jim looks into a controversial narrative exploring alleged connections between Donald Trump and the Kremlin, referencing insights from former KGB agent Yuri Shvetz. The discussion traces back to 1987, scrutinizing Trump's foreign policy stance and its alignment with Russian interests. Highlighted are claims of Trump being manipulated by dictatorial figures, the implications of his administration's actions, and concerns over American isolationism. This episode urges critical examination of political motivations and vulnerabilities within the framework of international relations amidst rising global tensions.
Context of the 1987 KGB Operation
Analysis of the KGB Ad Campaign
Donald Trump's Alleged Kremlin Influence
Ongoing Russian Connections in Trump Administration
Donald Trump's Manipulation by Dictators
Investigation Shutdown on Russian Influence
Consequences of Current Administration's Actions
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Music Credit: Good_B_Music
Mentioned in this episode:
Left in Exile Intro
Left in Exile Intro
The point of the cable, that said was not to call attention to the identity of the new asset who wasn't considered terribly important at the time, but to the practices.
Successful active measure operation by which full page ads voicing KGB talking points were printed in major American newspapers.
Even though the new asset had no security clearance or access to classified documents, Fetts said, the KGB had concluded that he could still be used to channel active measures to influence influential people in the United States, as a result, they put together a bunch of soundbites to deliver important messages on various political issues that were relevant at the time.
, another set of nuances for [:The ad was assessed by the Active Measures Directorate as one of the most successful KGB operations of the time. It was a big thing to have three major American newspapers publish KGB soundbites. More specifically, The asset had paid nearly 100, 000 for full page ads in the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, and the New York Times, calling for the United States to stop sending money to defend Japan and the Persian Gulf, an area of only, quote, an area of only marginal significance to the U.
st,:It took the form of an open letter. To the American people on why America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves. It goes on to say, the world is laughing at America's politicians. As we protect ships, we don't own carrying oil. We don't need destined for allies who won't help.
The ad said, it's time for us to end our vast deficits by making Japan and others who can afford it. Our world protection is worth hundreds of billions of dollars to these countries and their stake in their protection is far greater than ours.
st in:And who was the person that put that ad out ? According to Yuri Shvets, who is a former [00:03:00] KGB agent who defected to the U S that ad was put out by Donald Trump. Since 1987, Donald Trump has been either an active asset or a useful idiot for the Kremlin pushing forward their interests.
Against the interests of the U S
if you pay attention to that quote and tie it to what you've seen from Trump ever since he entered the political stage. What's the message that he's been sending forth? message that he's been pushing forward is one that requires America to retreat from its alliances, retreat from its allies, assume a more isolated position in the world to the benefit of who?
cozier relationships between [:You saw it in that 1987 ad where he's pushing Kremlin talking points in terms of foreign policy and you've seen it ever since.
Now let's spin this forward to what we've seen more recently.
What have we noticed about The events in the news that was Yuri Shvets, who was a former KGB agent. We had yet another KGB agent come out and describe Trump as an asset controlled by the KGB that's been widely reported at this point.
And there's so much evidence that you can look at simply from the people in his administration who are connected to various Russian and foreign interests.
zation, Donald Trump himself [:You saw that on the debate stage during the campaign, Kamala Harris. Called out exactly what dictators need to do to get Trump to melt, which is flatter him and compliment him and he'll roll over. And that's what you've seen throughout his entire career. This is somebody who is a narcissistic sociopath who is soft and according to the KGB and the Kremlin reports, a really low IQ, which makes him extremely easy to manipulate. And that's what we've been seeing. So when we look forward from 1987 to now what's happened in the first handful of weeks in the administration, there's a straight line of Donald Trump.
[:When you think about what Donald Trump has done in the first handful of weeks, he's dismantled any investigation that has to do with Russian influence in the election. He's dismantled anything that has to do with Russian oligarch's influence in terms of interest in the us. All of those things have been shut down. Who does that benefit that allows. Free reign for Putin and the KGB to operate freely without risk of consequences.
eporting that happened before:But [00:07:00] because of the laziness of the American press and the fear of the billionaire media owners of retribution, they've remained largely silent and they've sane washed this Legitimately insane person for the last 10 years so that he can retain the office that he, lost after the 2020 election,
make no mistake about it. It is becoming more and more clear based on actions and based on words and deeds that this is a deeply compromised administration. And everything that they're putting forward, every policy that they're putting forward runs counter to economists, foreign policy experts, energy experts, you name it.
They're running a policy that runs counter to what most people who have deep expertise in this space say is the reasonable path.
eing right now is A full out [:To the advantage of one country.
Right now. There is a case to be made that says that Donald Trump is acting on the orders of Vladimir Putin for the sole purpose of dismantling the West in order to facilitate the rise of the BRICS nations, and in particular, Russia and China, this is what the lead up is.
And one of the key things that needs to happen in order for that to be accelerated is for the U. S. economy to be crashed, for the dollar to be engineered into worthlessness, and America to be driven into isolation.
Everything that you're seeing up to this point, and it's only been a handful of weeks, is engineered with that purpose in mind, at the orders of the billionaires.
the billionaires can come in [:That is how we get them to act in a way that is consistent with the danger that we're facing.